Discover Your Child’s Dream Career with Ashaa AI

AI-powered career guidance for kids aged 4-12

The Concerns of Indian Parents

As a parent, you want the best for your child. But, identifying their interests and potential can be challenging.

Uncertainty about their future career choices

Limited guidance on child’s career planning

Desire to give your child a competitive edge in career

Your Partner in Child Development

Our AI powered buddy provides personalized career guidance,

Helps you discover your child’s interest followed by Strengths.

Simple, yet Powerful


Engaging activities and quizzes for your child


AI-powered insights into their interests and strengths (aptitude)


Personalized career recommendations for each kid and expert insights on that career

Unlock a Brighter Future

Early identification of interests and strengths

Informed career choices basis data collected over time from numerous career professionals

Enhanced self-confidence

Competitive edge in education and beyond

Give Your Child the Gift of Clarity

Sign up for early access!

Why Choose Ashaa AI

Developed by experts in Applied AI and child’s career planning

Based on proprietary models and algorithms

User-centric approach

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